
新闻资讯 行业动态

Spring框架中的设计模式(四)​——适配器 装饰 单例

编辑:008     时间:2020-02-27



  1. publicclassAdapterTest{

  2.  publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){

  3.    HoleMakermaker=newHoleMakerImpl();

  4.    maker.makeHole(1);

  5.    maker.makeHole(2);

  6.    maker.makeHole(30);

  7.    maker.makeHole(40);

  8.  }

  9. }

  10. interfaceHoleMaker{

  11.  publicvoidmakeHole(intdiameter);

  12. }

  13. interfaceDrillBit{

  14.  publicvoidmakeSmallHole();

  15.  publicvoidmakeBigHole();

  16. }

  17. // Two adaptee objects

  18. classBigDrillBitimplementsDrillBit{

  19.  @Override

  20.  publicvoidmakeSmallHole(){

  21.    // do nothing

  22.  }

  23.  @Override

  24.  publicvoidmakeBigHole(){

  25.    System.out.println("Big hole is made byt WallBigHoleMaker");

  26.  }

  27. }

  28. classSmallDrillBitimplementsDrillBit{

  29.  @Override

  30.  publicvoidmakeSmallHole(){

  31.    System.out.println("Small hole is made byt WallSmallHoleMaker");

  32.  }

  33.  @Override

  34.  publicvoidmakeBigHole(){

  35.    // do nothing

  36.  }

  37. }

  38. // Adapter class

  39. classDrillimplementsHoleMaker{

  40.  privateDrillBitdrillBit;

  41.  publicDrill(intdiameter){

  42.    drillBit=getMakerByDiameter(diameter);

  43.  }

  44.  @Override

  45.  publicvoidmakeHole(intdiameter){

  46.    if(isSmallDiameter(diameter)){

  47.            drillBit.makeSmallHole();

  48.    }else{

  49.            drillBit.makeBigHole();

  50.    }

  51.  }

  52.  privateDrillBitgetMakerByDiameter(intdiameter){

  53.    if(isSmallDiameter(diameter)){

  54.            returnnewSmallDrillBit();

  55.    }

  56.    returnnewBigDrillBit();

  57.  }

  58.  privatebooleanisSmallDiameter(intdiameter){

  59.    returndiameter<10;

  60.  }

  61. }

  62. // Client class

  63. classHoleMakerImplimplementsHoleMaker{

  64.  @Override

  65.  publicvoidmakeHole(intdiameter){

  66.    HoleMakermaker=newDrill(diameter);

  67.    maker.makeHole(diameter);

  68.  }

  69. }


  1. Smallholeismade bytSmallDrillBit

  2. Smallholeismade bytSmallDrillBit

  3. Bigholeismade bytBigDrillBit

  4. Bigholeismade bytBigDrillBit

可以看到,hole 是由所匹配的DrillBit对象制成的。如果孔的直径小于10,则使用SmallDrillBit。如果它更大,我们使用BigDrillBit。




  1. publicJBossLoadTimeWeaver(ClassLoaderclassLoader){

  2.  privatefinalJBossClassLoaderAdapteradapter;

  3.  Assert.notNull(classLoader,"ClassLoader must not be null");

  4.  if(classLoader.getClass().getName().startsWith("org.jboss.modules")){

  5.    // JBoss AS 7 or WildFly 8

  6.    this.adapter=newJBossModulesAdapter(classLoader);

  7.  }

  8.  else{

  9.    // JBoss AS 6

  10.    this.adapter=newJBossMCAdapter(classLoader);

  11.  }

  12. }


  1. @Override

  2. publicvoidaddTransformer(ClassFileTransformertransformer){

  3.  this.adapter.addTransformer(transformer);

  4. }

  5. @Override

  6. publicClassLoadergetInstrumentableClassLoader(){

  7.  returnthis.adapter.getInstrumentableClassLoader();

  8. }





  1. publicclassDecoratorSample{

  2.  @Test

  3.  publicvoidtest(){

  4.    CoffeesugarMilkCoffee=newMilkDecorator(newSugarDecorator(newBlackCoffee()));

  5.    assertEquals(sugarMilkCoffee.getPrice(),6d,0d);

  6.  }

  7. }

  8. // decorated

  9. abstractclassCoffee{

  10.  protectedintcandied=0;

  11.  protecteddoubleprice=2d;

  12.  publicabstractintmakeMoreCandied();

  13.  publicdoublegetPrice(){

  14.    returnthis.price;

  15.  }

  16.  publicvoidsetPrice(doubleprice){

  17.    this.price+=price;

  18.  }

  19. }

  20. classBlackCoffeeextendsCoffee{

  21.  @Override

  22.  publicintmakeMoreCandied(){

  23.    return0;

  24.  }

  25.  @Override

  26.  publicdoublegetPrice(){

  27.    returnthis.price;

  28.  }

  29. }

  30. // abstract decorator

  31. abstractclassCoffeeDecoratorextendsCoffee{

  32.  protectedCoffeecoffee;

  33.  publicCoffeeDecorator(Coffeecoffee){


  35.  }

  36.  @Override

  37.  publicdoublegetPrice(){


  39.  }

  40.  @Override

  41.  publicintmakeMoreCandied(){


  43.  }

  44. }

  45. // concrete decorators

  46. classMilkDecoratorextendsCoffeeDecorator{

  47.  publicMilkDecorator(Coffeecoffee){

  48.    super(coffee);

  49.  }

  50.  @Override

  51.  publicdoublegetPrice(){

  52.    returnsuper.getPrice()+1d;

  53.  }

  54.  @Override

  55.  publicintmakeMoreCandied(){

  56.    returnsuper.makeMoreCandied()+1;

  57.  }

  58. }

  59. classSugarDecoratorextendsCoffeeDecorator{

  60.  publicSugarDecorator(Coffeecoffee){

  61.    super(coffee);

  62.  }

  63.  @Override

  64.  publicdoublegetPrice(){

  65.    returnsuper.getPrice()+3d;

  66.  }

  67.  @Override

  68.  publicintmakeMoreCandied(){

  69.    returnsuper.makeMoreCandied()+1;

  70.  }

  71. }

上面这个简单的装饰器的小例子是基于对父方法的调用,从而改变最后的属性(我们这里是指价格和加糖多少)。在Spring中,我们在处理与Spring管理缓存同步事务的相关类中可以 发现装饰器设计模式的例子。这个类是org.springframework.cache.transaction.TransactionAwareCacheDecorator。


  1. privatefinalCachetargetCache;

  2. /**

  3. * Create a new TransactionAwareCache for the given target Cache.

  4. * @param targetCache the target Cache to decorate

  5. */

  6. publicTransactionAwareCacheDecorator(CachetargetCache){

  7.  Assert.notNull(targetCache,"Target Cache must not be null");

  8.  this.targetCache=targetCache;

  9. }


  1. @Override

  2. publicvoidput(finalObjectkey,finalObjectvalue){

  3.  if(TransactionSynchronizationManager.isSynchronizationActive()){

  4.    TransactionSynchronizationManager.registerSynchronization(

  5.      newTransactionSynchronizationAdapter(){

  6.        @Override

  7.        publicvoidafterCommit(){

  8.          targetCache.put(key,value);

  9.        }

  10.    });

  11.  }

  12.  else{

  13.    this.targetCache.put(key,value);

  14.  }

  15. }

  16. @Override

  17. publicvoidevict(finalObjectkey){

  18.  if(TransactionSynchronizationManager.isSynchronizationActive()){

  19.          TransactionSynchronizationManager.registerSynchronization(

  20.            newTransactionSynchronizationAdapter(){

  21.              @Override

  22.              publicvoidafterCommit(){

  23.                targetCache.evict(key);

  24.              }

  25.          });

  26.  }

  27.  else{

  28.    this.targetCache.evict(key);

  29.  }

  30. }

这种模式看起来类似于适配器,对吧?但是,它们还是有区别的。我们可以看到,适配器将对象适配到运行时环境,即。如果我们在JBoss 6中运行,我们使用与JBoss 7不同的类加载器。Decorator每次使用相同的主对象(Cache)工作,并且仅向其添加新行为(与本例中的Spring事务同步),另外,可以通过我在解读这个设计模式之前的说法来区分二者。


  1. /**

  2. * Event published as early as conceivably possible as soon as a {@link SpringApplication}

  3. * has been started - before the {@link Environment} or {@link ApplicationContext} is

  4. * available, but after the {@link ApplicationListener}s have been registered. The source

  5. * of the event is the {@link SpringApplication} itself, but beware of using its internal

  6. * state too much at this early stage since it might be modified later in the lifecycle.

  7. *

  8. * @author Dave Syer

  9. */

  10. @SuppressWarnings("serial")

  11. publicclassApplicationStartedEventextendsSpringApplicationEvent{

  12.    /**

  13.     * Create a new {@link ApplicationStartedEvent} instance.

  14.     * @param application the current application

  15.     * @param args the arguments the application is running with

  16.     */

  17.    publicApplicationStartedEvent(SpringApplicationapplication,String[]args){

  18.        super(application,args);

  19.    }

  20. }


  1. /**

  2. * Listener for the {@link SpringApplication} {@code run} method.

  3. * {@link SpringApplicationRunListener}s are loaded via the {@link SpringFactoriesLoader}

  4. * and should declare a public constructor that accepts a {@link SpringApplication}

  5. * instance and a {@code String[]} of arguments. A new

  6. * {@link SpringApplicationRunListener} instance will be created for each run.

  7. *

  8. * @author Phillip Webb

  9. * @author Dave Syer

  10. */

  11. publicinterfaceSpringApplicationRunListener{

  12.    /**

  13.     * Called immediately when the run method has first started. Can be used for very

  14.     * early initialization.

  15.     */

  16.    voidstarted();

  17.    /**

  18.     * Called once the environment has been prepared, but before the

  19.     * {@link ApplicationContext} has been created.

  20.     * @param environment the environment

  21.     */

  22.    voidenvironmentPrepared(ConfigurableEnvironmentenvironment);

  23.    /**

  24.     * Called once the {@link ApplicationContext} has been created and prepared, but

  25.     * before sources have been loaded.

  26.     * @param context the application context

  27.     */

  28.    voidcontextPrepared(ConfigurableApplicationContextcontext);

  29.    /**

  30.     * Called once the application context has been loaded but before it has been

  31.     * refreshed.

  32.     * @param context the application context

  33.     */

  34.    voidcontextLoaded(ConfigurableApplicationContextcontext);

  35.    /**

  36.     * Called immediately before the run method finishes.

  37.     * @param context the application context or null if a failure occurred before the

  38.     * context was created

  39.     * @param exception any run exception or null if run completed successfully.

  40.     */

  41.    voidfinished(ConfigurableApplicationContextcontext,Throwableexception);

  42. }


  1. /**

  2. * {@link SpringApplicationRunListener} to publish {@link SpringApplicationEvent}s.

  3. * <p>

  4. * Uses an internal {@link ApplicationEventMulticaster} for the events that are fired

  5. * before the context is actually refreshed.

  6. *

  7. * @author Phillip Webb

  8. * @author Stephane Nicoll

  9. */

  10. publicclassEventPublishingRunListenerimplementsSpringApplicationRunListener,Ordered{

  11.    privatefinalSpringApplicationapplication;

  12.    privatefinalString[]args;

  13.    privatefinalApplicationEventMulticasterinitialMulticaster;

  14.    publicEventPublishingRunListener(SpringApplicationapplication,String[]args){

  15.        this.application=application;

  16.        this.args=args;

  17.        this.initialMulticaster=newSimpleApplicationEventMulticaster();

  18.        for(ApplicationListener<?>listener:application.getListeners()){

  19.            this.initialMulticaster.addApplicationListener(listener);

  20.        }

  21.    }

  22.    @Override

  23.    publicintgetOrder(){

  24.        return0;

  25.    }

  26.    @Override

  27.    publicvoidstarted(){

  28.        this.initialMulticaster

  29.                .multicastEvent(newApplicationStartedEvent(this.application,this.args));

  30.    }

  31.    @Override

  32.    publicvoidenvironmentPrepared(ConfigurableEnvironmentenvironment){

  33.        this.initialMulticaster.multicastEvent(newApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent(

  34.                this.application,this.args,environment));

  35.    }

  36.    @Override

  37.    publicvoidcontextPrepared(ConfigurableApplicationContextcontext){

  38.    }

  39.    @Override

  40.    publicvoidcontextLoaded(ConfigurableApplicationContextcontext){

  41.        for(ApplicationListener<?>listener:this.application.getListeners()){

  42.            if(listenerinstanceofApplicationContextAware){

  43.                ((ApplicationContextAware)listener).setApplicationContext(context);

  44.            }

  45.            context.addApplicationListener(listener);

  46.        }

  47.        this.initialMulticaster.multicastEvent(

  48.                newApplicationPreparedEvent(this.application,this.args,context));

  49.    }

  50.    @Override

  51.    publicvoidfinished(ConfigurableApplicationContextcontext,Throwableexception){

  52.        // Listeners have been registered to the application context so we should

  53.        // use it at this point

  54.        context.publishEvent(getFinishedEvent(context,exception));

  55.    }

  56.    privateSpringApplicationEventgetFinishedEvent(

  57.            ConfigurableApplicationContextcontext,Throwableexception){

  58.        if(exception!=null){

  59.            returnnewApplicationFailedEvent(this.application,this.args,context,

  60.                    exception);

  61.        }

  62.        returnnewApplicationReadyEvent(this.application,this.args,context);

  63.    }

  64. }




单例,我们最常用的设计模式。正如我们在很多Spring Framework中关于单例和原型bean的文章(网上太多了)中已经看到过的,单例是几个bean作用域中的中的一个。此作用域在每个应用程序上下文中仅创建一个给定bean的实例。与signleton设计模式有所区别的是,Spring将实例的数量限制的作用域在整个应用程序的上下文。而Singleton设计模式在Java应用程序中是将这些实例的数量限制在给定类加载器管理的整个空间中。这意味着我们可以为两个Spring的上下文(同一份配置文件起两个容器,也就是不同端口的容器实例)使用相同的类加载器,并检索两个单例作用域的bean。


  1. publicclassSingletonTest{

  2.  @Test

  3.  publicvoidtest(){

  4.    Presidentpresident1=(President)SingletonsHolder.PRESIDENT.getHoldedObject();

  5.    Presidentpresident2=(President)SingletonsHolder.PRESIDENT.getHoldedObject();

  6.    assertTrue("Both references of President should point to the same object",president1==president2);

  7.    System.out.println("president1 = "+president1+" and president2 = "+president2);

  8.    // sample output

  9.    // president1 = com.waitingforcode.test.President@17414c8 and president2 = com.waitingforcode.test.President@17414c8

  10.  }

  11. }

  12. enumSingletonsHolder{

  13.  PRESIDENT(newPresident());

  14.  privateObjectholdedObject;

  15.  privateSingletonsHolder(Objecto){

  16.          this.holdedObject=o;

  17.  }

  18.  publicObjectgetHoldedObject(){

  19.          returnthis.holdedObject;

  20.  }

  21. }

  22. classPresident{

  23. }


  1. /**

  2. * Expose the singleton instance or create a new prototype instance.

  3. * @see #createInstance()

  4. * @see #getEarlySingletonInterfaces()

  5. */

  6. @Override

  7. publicfinalT getObject()throwsException{

  8.  if(isSingleton()){

  9.    return(this.initialized?this.singletonInstance:getEarlySingletonInstance());

  10.  }

  11.  else{

  12.    returncreateInstance();

  13.  }

  14. }


  1. <beanid="shoppingCart"class=""/>


  1. publicclassSingletonSpringTest{

  2.  @Test

  3.  publicvoidtest(){

  4.    // retreive two different contexts

  5.    ApplicationContextfirstContext=newFileSystemXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext-test.xml");

  6.    ApplicationContextsecondContext=newFileSystemXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext-test.xml");

  7.    // prove that both contexts are loaded by the same class loader

  8.    assertTrue("Class loaders for both contexts should be the same",

  9.      firstContext.getClassLoader()==secondContext.getClassLoader());

  10.    // compare the objects from different contexts

  11.    ShoppingCartfirstShoppingCart=(ShoppingCart)firstContext.getBean("shoppingCart");

  12.    ShoppingCartsecondShoppingCart=(ShoppingCart)secondContext.getBean("shoppingCart");

  13.    assertFalse("ShoppingCart instances got from different application context shouldn't be the same",

  14.      firstShoppingCart==secondShoppingCart);

  15.    // compare the objects from the same context

  16.    ShoppingCartfirstShoppingCartBis=(ShoppingCart)firstContext.getBean("shoppingCart");

  17.    assertTrue("ShoppingCart instances got from the same application context should be the same",

  18.      firstShoppingCart==firstShoppingCartBis);

  19.  }

  20. }






